Now you can get the orthogonal views you need without risk of specimen damage. The specimen travels from the OR to Imaging to Pathology untouched.

Surgeons who remove breast specimens and send them for mammographic interpretation worry that compression or manipulation will either interfere with or damage the margins they have excised. Clinical articles indicate that compression can create false negative margins in some cases (pancake phenomena) or that manipulation of the specimen can create false positive margins by damaging the tissue after excision.

What surgeons need is a mammographic review of their removed specimen that shows it in its “as removed” condition, without damage or compression. The 2View provides a method for viewing the specimen in multiple orthogonal views without being compressed or manipulated. Once these views are obtained and reviewed, the radiologist can report with confidence back to the surgeon what the margin conditions are, and reference the grid markings on the container to verify which margins are in question. The specimen continues on to pathology in its original condition, giving the pathologist greater confidence in his margin analysis as well.



Phone: 540-520-0959
Fax: 434-509-1274

1369 Haven Lane
Moneta, Virginia 24121


Copyright © 2025 COPYRIGHT 2View, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2View is patent number 8,162,140
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2View Mammography Specimen Container for Radiologists specimen mamography,specimen mamogram,specimen biopsy,xray,mammography specimen container,mammogram container,for surgeons,for breast care,breast cancer,clear margins,for radiologists Obtain orthagonal views you can trust with the 2View Container for Surgeons and Radiologists